
Welcome to our Exam Information Page. Select the links below to view a particular section or scroll down to view details. On this page, you can find information regarding exams, answers to frequently asked questions and useful resources. Click here if you are looking for info relating to Exam Certificates.

External Exam Timetables

Resits Timetable - November 2024

Internal Exam Timetables

Year 11 and year 13 mocks - november 2024

Exam information for Candidates

Collecting examination certificates

Examination Certificates are evidence of your qualifications. Employers and training providers will need to see them throughout your career. It is therefore vital that you collect your certificates and keep them safe.

Home Languages – Information for Students/Parents/Carers

Do you speak another language from your native country?  It may be possible for a student to take a GCSE qualification in their home language, where this is available we can offer the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Bengali 
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Greek
  • Portuguese
  • Punjabi
  • Russian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Polish
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Students must be able to read and write in their home language in addition to being able to speak the language.
  • Each year in module 2, students will be offered the opportunity to take an assessment to confirm their ability to complete a home language GCSE and achieve a good GCSE grade.

If you require further details please contact Mr Crowther-Green on mark.crowthergreen@labexley.org.uk.

Examination results collection for summer 2024 exams

Details of the day’s outline will be shared upon conclusion of the examination period.

When attending, all students will need to show identification in order to collect as this is official documentation. If a student wishes for another person to collect on their behalf, please email in advance stating the following information:

  • Candidate name
  • Candidate date of birth
  • Full name of the person who will be collecting (They will also need to provide identification to collect).

If you have any questions, please contact examadmin@labexley.org.uk

Arrangements For Collecting Previous Years Certificates

If you are unable to collect the certificates yourself, you can nominate someone else to collect your certificates by giving them signed written permission. This includes parents and other family members or friends.  Please ask them to bring written permission and a form of photographic ID.

Certificates will not be issued to anyone other than the person named on them without written permission and ID.

Certificates that have not been collected will be confidentially destroyed after 5 years.