Dear Parents/Carers
End of Module 1 Letter
As we near the end of this successful first module in the academic year 2024-2025, we wanted to provide you with important information and arrangements.
Friday 18th October
Module 1 ends. Students must attend in full school uniform and will follow their normal timetable. All students finish at 3.15pm. There will be no Period 6 for Year 11 students.
Monday 4th November
This is an INSET staff training day and students are not required to attend school.
Tuesday 5th November
All students return for the start of Module 2. Students must be in the academy no later than 8.25am ready for tutor time at 8.30am.
Click here to view our term dates.
Some highlights from Module 1
- We were delighted to welcome several visitors to the academy during Module 1 to enrich students’ learning. We had performances and workshops from both the Globe Players and the Little Fish Theatre Company along with the amazing Cowfoot Prince, Usifu Jalloh who joined us for our Black History Month assemblies.
- Our Open Evening and Open Mornings were extremely well attended by families considering Leigh Academy Bexley for the September 2025 intake. It was fantastic for them to see the academy live. One visitor commented that it had been an “excellent experience” and that they were “very impressed”.
- Attendance has improved across the academy with 525 students with attendance above 95% during Module 1.
- We hosted our first Academy Parent Workshop on Thursday 3rd October introducing the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum to our current Year 7 parents. The session was a huge success and well-received by those who attended.
- Our LABex Independent Learning (Homework) Policy has been launched this module and has been shared with families. Please continue to encourage your child to engage in these tasks to enhance their learning in the classroom.
- Our first SEND Year 7 Parents’ Coffee Morning was held this module with good attendance. There were opportunities to meet both the SENCo and Deputy SENCo and to discuss how the academy supports students with a range of learning needs as well as the opportunity to discuss individual cases. We will be holding the next SEND Coffee Morning on Wednesday 20th November.
- Additionally we held our first SEND Parent Workshop with a focus on Dyslexia and the use of digital tools to support students at home and at school. The introduction of the Read&Write tool has been highly effective in supporting students with additional needs to engage with learning.
Information for Module 2
- Ensure your child is on time and present each and every day. Being present each day at school is the most effective single action you can take towards ensuring a successful future for your child.
- Our Academy Parent Workshops will continue, the next will be on Wednesday 13th November. This workshop will be focused on the Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) curriculum which will be taught in Module 3. Further information will be shared separately.
- The next Academy Parent Workshop in Module 2 will be held on Monday 25th November. This will focus on how to support your child with the Read&Write Google Tool on their Chromebooks which develops their literacy skills and confidence. More details to follow nearer the time.
- Year 11 and Year 13 will be completing their first formal mock examinations of the academic year from Monday 25th November for 3 weeks. Students will receive their individual timetables at the start of Module 2, as well as a revision programme to support their preparations.
- Year 11 Information Evening will take place on Thursday 14th November, Year 7 Parents’ Evening will be on Thursday 28th November and Year 8 Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday 12th December. Further information about these events will be sent separately.
We hope you all have an enjoyable break with your families. If you need any support please contact us using the email address.
Yours faithfully
John Dixon | Principal