Independent Learning

LABex Letter image

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of our ongoing commitment to providing the best possible learning experiences for our students, we assign high-quality and meaningful homework tasks each week. Our teaching approach at the Academy is guided by the latest research on how students learn best. Studies show that students achieve better academically when they consistently engage with and complete their homework effectively. Below, you will find further details regarding our independent learning policy.

Independent Learning Policy

Our Independent Learning Policy is designed to reinforce and extend your child’s learning outside the classroom. We use Knowledge Organisers (KOs) to help consolidate key concepts and vocabulary. All independent learning tasks are set on Google Classroom, where students can view their assignments and deadlines. Students have login details for Google Classroom, which they use to access resources and assignments. Independent learning assignments are set regularly, depending on how often each subject meets per week. 

Time Allocation by Year Group

The duration of independent learning varies depending on the student’s year group. An overview of the expected weekly time allocation and task duration is available here.

If you would like to find out any further information regarding our Independent Learning policy, please click on the links below:

How to Use Google Classroom – YouTube Tutorials for Parents/Carers

We have provided some helpful YouTube tutorials that offer a step-by-step guide for parents and carers on how to use Google Classroom, available here.

Independent Learning Platforms by Subject

Certain subjects use specific online platforms to support independent learning and provide a structured approach to tasks. More information on these platforms can be found here.

Further Information

  • Independent Learning Expectations and Non-Completion Policy can be found here
  • Support for Parents/Carers is available here. 
  • Submission and Quality can be viewed here. 

Details on Types of Independent Learning and Additional Notes are provided here.

If you have any further questions regarding your child’s homework, please contact me using the email address

Yours faithfully,
Mrs A Mochnacova | Deputy Head of Holkham College