Parent Feedback and Engagement

LABex Letter image

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we approach the end of this academic year, Leigh Academy Bexley would like to thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to work collaboratively as an academy community to transform our young people’s lives.

In order to continue to build our home-academy partnership we want to take this opportunity to inform you of the exciting and informative parent workshops planned for next academic year. The main purpose of these workshops is to enrich your understanding of your child’s learning journey at Leigh Academy Bexley. A key component of this work is being facilitated by our Lead Practitioner team who are endeavouring to meet the needs of our students and their families; firstly in their classroom practice and secondly in supporting staff development.

We would welcome your support in finalising this programme by completing the Google Form survey Parent Survey June 2024 by Monday 1st July.

As families play a fundamental and invaluable role in enhancing their child’s successes in the academy, we would very much appreciate your input to ensure all needs and expectations are catered for and as such, engagement in these workshops will be of great value. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and we are very much looking forward to developing new events with you in the future. We would be particularly happy to hear from you if you are able to support, facilitate or promote any of our workshops.

If you have any questions about the survey or our academy’s current family engagement opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01322 348231 or email

Yours faithfully,

Debbie Pieroulli
Vice Principal | Head of Holkham College