GCSE Results Day 2023

Leigh Academy Bexley logo with the text 'GCSE Results Day 2023' over the top of it

The 2023 Year 11 students should be delighted and proud of their results. The standout subject performances were French and religious studies where 100% of students in both subjects achieved 4+, with 88.9% of French students gaining 7+ and 63.6% of religious studies students accomplishing 7+. In addition, music, sociology, and Spanish achieved  60% of students achieving 4+ with music achieving 67%  5+.

Significant student achievement includes:

  • Joseph: Grade 9 in English language, grade 8s in RE and English literature, grade 7s in French and history and a 6 in maths;
  • Billy: Grade 9 in English language, grade 8s in Spanish and mathematics,  grade 7s in English literature and history and a grade 6 in sociology;
  • Jasmin: Grade 7s in French, photography and English language and grade 6s in English literature and mathematics;
  • Aaron: Grade 8 in English literature and 3 grade 7s in business, mathematics and geography;
  • Grace: Grade 9 in English language, grade 8 in English literature, grade 7s in mathematics and French and a grade 6 in sociology;
  • Joanna: Grades 9 in German and French, grade 8 in English language, grade 7 in mathematics and grade 6s in sociology and geography;
  • Angelo: Grade 9 in English language, grade 8 in mathematics and grade 7s in English literature, geography and business;
  • Arshjot: Grade 9 in English literature,  grade 8s in mathematics, history and business and a grade 7 in  English language;
  • Shea: Grade 8s in English literature and maths, grade 7s in  English language and geography with  grade  6s  in business and sociology; and
  • Angelina: Grade 8s in English literature, Russian and sociology and grade 7s in English language, and mathematics.
Angelo’s highlights included a 9 in English Language, 7 in English literature and 8 in mathematics.
Josephs highlights included a 9 in English language 8 in English literature and an 8 in religious education.
Grace’s highlights included a 9 in English language and 8 in English literature
Aaron’s highlights included an 8 in English literature 7 in business and 7 in mathematics.

Over 90% of students have confirmed destinations in education, training or apprenticeships.

  • Angelo’s highlights included a 9 in English Language, 7 in English literature and 8 in mathematics.
  • Grace’s highlights included a 9 in English language and an 8 in English literature.
  • Aaron’s highlights included an 8 in English literature and 7s in business, mathematics and geography.
  • Joseph’s highlights included a 9 in English language 8 in English literature and an 8 in religious education.