The 2023 Year 11 students should be delighted and proud of their results. The standout subject performances were French and religious studies where 100% of students in both subjects achieved 4+, with 88.9% of French students gaining 7+ and 63.6% of religious studies students accomplishing 7+. In addition, music, sociology, and Spanish achieved 60% of students achieving 4+ with music achieving 67% 5+.
Significant student achievement includes:
- Joseph: Grade 9 in English language, grade 8s in RE and English literature, grade 7s in French and history and a 6 in maths;
- Billy: Grade 9 in English language, grade 8s in Spanish and mathematics, grade 7s in English literature and history and a grade 6 in sociology;
- Jasmin: Grade 7s in French, photography and English language and grade 6s in English literature and mathematics;
- Aaron: Grade 8 in English literature and 3 grade 7s in business, mathematics and geography;
- Grace: Grade 9 in English language, grade 8 in English literature, grade 7s in mathematics and French and a grade 6 in sociology;
- Joanna: Grades 9 in German and French, grade 8 in English language, grade 7 in mathematics and grade 6s in sociology and geography;
- Angelo: Grade 9 in English language, grade 8 in mathematics and grade 7s in English literature, geography and business;
- Arshjot: Grade 9 in English literature, grade 8s in mathematics, history and business and a grade 7 in English language;
- Shea: Grade 8s in English literature and maths, grade 7s in English language and geography with grade 6s in business and sociology; and
- Angelina: Grade 8s in English literature, Russian and sociology and grade 7s in English language, and mathematics.
Over 90% of students have confirmed destinations in education, training or apprenticeships.
- Angelo’s highlights included a 9 in English Language, 7 in English literature and 8 in mathematics.
- Grace’s highlights included a 9 in English language and an 8 in English literature.
- Aaron’s highlights included an 8 in English literature and 7s in business, mathematics and geography.
- Joseph’s highlights included a 9 in English language 8 in English literature and an 8 in religious education.